
The complaints that a child has with a neuroblastoma depend strongly on the location of the tumor. A neuroblastoma does not have to cause any complaints, especially if it is still very small. Complaints can arise when the tumor gets bigger and puts pressure on other organs.


Organs in oppression

A neuroblastoma is a tumor that can grow quickly and therefore needs space. Depending on the location of the neuroblastoma, organs come under pressure and this can lead to, among other things, the following complaints:

  • A neuroblastoma in the abdomen can cause a swollen abdomen. A child may experience abdominal pain and nausea. Many children have no other complaints besides a round belly.
  • If the tumor is in the nerve canal of the spine, the child may have symptoms of paralysis, such as difficulty walking or difficulty passing stool.
  • In addition to swelling, a neuroblastoma in the neck sometimes causes a drooping eyelid.


Because the tumor produces adrenaline-like substances, some children suffer from high blood pressure, excessive sweating and diarrhoea. Any metastases can also cause complaints.


Risk groups

What is neuroblastoma?